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9 tips for eating well during sports


Johanna Amselem, Journaliste santé

Axel Heulin, nutritionniste du sport

Getting the most out of a sports session also involves your plate. Some foods should be avoided and others should be favored. So, what do I eat? Follow these 9 tips 😁

1) I avoid doing sports on an empty stomach.

this would force your body to draw on muscle proteins. An effort that leads to a more difficult recovery.

2) I can eat slow carbohydrates.

Stop believing that slow carbohydrates make you fat! Adapt the quantity of carbohydrates according to the efforts to be made. Count 30 to 50 g per hour of training.

3) I do not eat certain foods.

Chocolate cereal bars, pastries, pastries, buns, any food that is too chocolatey or too fatty should be banned from your diet, as they do not provide adequate energy for your sports session and may even cause digestive discomfort.

4) I have a snack 1h or 1h30 before my workout.

Include a piece of fruit and a dairy product as a snack. For more intense physical effort, add a portion of complex carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread with honey, two slices of gingerbread or a bowl of cereal.

5) If I have time, I have a meal 2h30 min before the sport.

Eat a complete and balanced meal with a portion of starchy foods with a low glycemic index such as wild rice or "al dente" pasta.

Also eat vegetables and proteins to optimize muscle recovery, as well as a fruit and a dairy.

6) I avoid using fat to cook my food.

Boil, roast, bake or use the plancha. Reserve the fat for seasoning raw vegetables. Don't hesitate to use a mixture of oils or to alternate them.

7) Eating during a sports session depends on the duration of the effort.

For a one-hour class, it is not necessary to eat. If the effort is more intense, consider dried fruit: a small handful of grapes, four dates, three to four figs or dried apricots.

8) I don't forget to drink.

Hydration is the key to a successful workout. Before and during your workout, drink plain water in small sips. Avoid sodas because they increase the acidity already produced by the body during exercise.

After exercise you can drink carbonated water rich in bicarbonate which will help you recover better. And, above all, drink before you feel thirsty.

9) After the effort, I avoid throwing myself on fatty and sweet foods.

Choose a light, complete meal or a snack consisting of a fruit, a dairy product, a glass of milk, and a food with a high glycemic index such as dates or a banana.

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